Photo by Ally Gillam

Photo by Ally Gillam

Hello there,

Redondo Beach Native. Photo Hoarder. These are my stories about fashion, beauty, and travel. Feel free to explore, like, and share. ❤️

30 x 30 Bucket List

30 x 30 Bucket List

Ever since I was handed my first planner in middle school, I’ve developed a love for setting goals. What started out with simple organization and trying to balance classes turned into an obsession with setting milestones and resolutions for each passing year. I realize the word, ‘goals’ is a very polarizing word in many ways. For some, goals end up being more harmful for one’s mental health while for other goals are an opportunity aimed at self improvement and personal development. In short, I understand that goals and resolutions may not be for everyone. There are endless possibilities to navigate personal growth and find new ways of soul searching; goals just happens to be the one that I identify with the most.

That being said, I was inspired to create a 30 by 30 list after watching a video by Rachel Nguyen (@thatschic). I loved how her bucket list consisted of everything from eating one vegan meal a day to sending out hand written cards to friends. Though there were bigger things on her list like traveling to three countries and saving $40k, many of the items on her list focused on trying new things and self-care. Similarly, I wanted my list of goals and bucket list items to be wholesome, comprehensive, and a little bit adventurous.

While I was doing my occasional deep dive into living in Paris, I discovered a Polish vlogger, Kaja Kubicka, who shared that despite having traveled to so many countries, written a book, attended a variety of international schools, and experienced a very enriching life, she felt deeply unsatisfied and behind in life. The best piece of advice I got from her video was, “Make goals that focus on how you want to feel versus what you want to achieve.” It’s an amazing piece of advice but I know that it will take some time to actually put it to practice, so without further stalling, here is my 30 by 30 Bucket List (in no particular order of importance):

  1. Live abroad for one year.

  2. Become fluent in French.

  3. Travel to Japan.

  4. Read 15 books.

  5. Re-learn how to play the piano. Play a song or two.

  6. Get involved in a charity/volunteer.

  7. Practice at least one cultural tradition per year: Chinese New Year.

  8. Grow my savings each year. Originally, I wrote $10k but I know this amount will vary depending on future living expenses and salary. Ideally I’d like my savings goal to increase each year so I have something to work towards.

  9. Design an outfit from scrap or deadstock fabric.

  10. Earn $5k through brand partnerships and collaborations.

  11. Learn how to do latte art.

  12. Find a professional niche.

  13. Take vitamins regularly.

  14. Start a garden.

  15. Learn photography.

  16. Do something spontaneous.

  17. Go camping.

  18. Get into investing. Start a portfolio. Track spending.

  19. Start a new venture with Ella Kol.

  20. Stretch and work out at least three times per week.

  21. Take a personal day each month. No social plans.

  22. Be more open to dating.

  23. Write postcards to friends.

  24. Journal monthly.

  25. Define your own happiness.

  26. Listen to new podcasts.

  27. Host friends in a new city.

  28. Bond more with Cole, my twin brother.

  29. Live more sustainably: less meat, plastics, more clean products.

  30. Be more present.

In an attempt to accomplish everything by my 30th birthday, I will be breaking down this list into quarterly and yearly goals. This year, my biggest focus is navigating a move to Paris. Notice I kept my first bucket list item vague by writing, “Live abroad for one year.” Though Paris is the first city that comes to mind when I think about where I’d like to live abroad of a year, I do want to keep my options open. Ideally, I’d like to work or go to school for a set amount of time while living abroad but to be honest, I’ve been feeling super overwhelmed by the process and I feel like there’s an endless amount of planning and information that I still have yet to figure out. So in the meantime, I’ll be researching, budgeting, and connecting with both friends and helpful strangers alike to see if I can make my dream a reality. Until then, I wish you a beautiful 2022 and do let me know if you have any goals in mind for the coming year.

ps: I’m currently 26, so I have a couple of years to try to cross everything off my bucket list :)



(Ella Kol

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