Photo by Ally Gillam

Photo by Ally Gillam

Hello there,

Redondo Beach Native. Photo Hoarder. These are my stories about fashion, beauty, and travel. Feel free to explore, like, and share. ❤️

Journal Entry: November

Journal Entry: November

Hello friends!

I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve last published a blog post when in actuality, it’s only been about two weeks. Personally, I strive to create at least one blog post each week not only for the sake of consistency but also to force myself to devote time to Ella Kol. With crazy work weeks and busy weekends, it’s very easy to put creativity on the back burner, so posting here on my blog is just a small way that I like to share other aspects of my life outside the normal hustle and bustle.

Now that it’s November, I’ve started to reflect upon this past year. In many ways, it’s been everything I hoped for and more. Some of this year’s highlights include: visiting friends in Seattle and Chicago, modeling for Marché, sharing my thrift hauls, frolicking under almond blossom trees in Bakersfield, and cooking Lunar New Year dinner for the first time. I’ve also gotten the opportunity to collaborate with a bunch of beauty brands this year. Between creating content for Ella Kol and a few wonderful brands along the way, I feel like I’ve come a long way as a micro-blogger, content creator, beauty reviewer, and amateur baker. I couldn’t be happier with all the moments I’ve been able to share with you here on Ella Kol.

Of course, I’ve had some less than rosy moments too. In fact, there have been many days of disappointment, friction, uncertainty, and anxiety throughout the unraveling of this year. In a nutshell, I felt like I was going through a quarter life crisis. With no interest in dating, a somewhat blurry sense of my next career move, and no rational reason to leave LA, I felt more lost than my usual type A self. Lost is not a feeling that I’ve felt in the past. In many ways, I’ve always had this vision of what I wanted to do (work in fashion, which could mean anything really) and I simply knew I wanted to live a beautiful life full with blossoming friendships, travels, and maybe, if I was to be so lucky, fall in love. Ironically, I got what I thought I wanted. I work in fashion and I’ve been in love. Neither were what I thought I was signing up for, but of course I learned a lot along the way.

After hours of conversations and a few meet ups with friends, I was inspired to look into living abroad. Nothing is set in stone yet but the more I think about the adventure of it all, the more certain I feel about my choice. I’ve been doing a bunch of research trying to get a sense of life abroad and estimating how much it’ll cost to make the move. Ideally, I’d simply like to find a job first then make the move, but I’m also keen on the possibility of being a student if I can afford it. Honestly, it’s been super overwhelming trying to turn over every rock of information on the internet about being an expat, so you may find me skipping a week or two from posting to take time to do more research.

Who knows what the future holds though. If anything, this year has taught me to question the decisions I make in the name of happiness. Of course, everyone wants to be happy, but I realize what really might be the thing that makes me happy isn’t a job or goal, rather the things in life that bring happiness are the unexpected moments, good health, and the opportunity to be present.

As always, thank you so much for reading my latest blog post. I do have a few blog posts in mind before the end of the year so stay tuned. Also, if you have any thoughts or advice about life abroad, let me know in the comments section down below.


Ella Kol

PS: I will be creating a 30 by 30 bucket list! If you’d like to create your own or need some inspiration, view the vlogg by Rachel Nguyen who originally inspired me to create this list.

Matcha and Raspberry Cream Puffs

Matcha and Raspberry Cream Puffs

Sephora Collection Clean Beauty

Sephora Collection Clean Beauty