Photo by Ally Gillam

Photo by Ally Gillam

Hello there,

Redondo Beach Native. Photo Hoarder. These are my stories about fashion, beauty, and travel. Feel free to explore, like, and share. ❤️

Loren Stewart Campaign

Loren Stewart Campaign

An opportunity out of the blue, a team of three, and a dream come true.

Around this time last year, the brand Loren Stewart reached out to me on Instagram to model in their Pre-Fall campaign. My first reaction was that it all sounded too good to be true. A paid modeling campaign! After all my years of modeling for fun on the side or taking my own photos for Ella Kol, I never dreamed that someone would actually pay me to model in a commercial campaign. I was shocked, very nervous, and full of questions about going into the photoshoot. Was I going to be the only model? Were they going to like me in person? What if I wasn’t what they really wanted for the shoot?

After pulling some strings with my schedule, I arrived to the photoshoot bareface in jeans and a T-shirt. I had no idea what to expect and I still anticipated that they’d be other models for the shoot. To my surprise, I was the only model. Hobbes Ginsberg had found me on Instagram, liked my look, and casted me in the shoot! What are the chances? Me, a girl with a tiny social media following, getting casted in this amazing campaign. The photoshoot was executed by a team of three: MJ Kang, Hobbes Ginsberg, and photographer, Victoria Innocenzi. Everyone was super laid back and easy to work with. I wore no make-up for the entire shoot and changed between various looks pulled by MJ and Hobbes. It could not have been a more welcoming, supportive environment to model in and I felt so lucky to be apart of it.


During the shoot, I was told that the photos would be used for the Loren Stewart’s website and retail partners which include Net-A-Porter and Nordstrom. The photos went live a lot faster on the brand’s website and I checked the other retail brands for pictures from the shoot. It felt like months had passed when one late evening, I decided to check Nordstrom’s online website and sure enough, my face was there! It was like Christmas morning in Summer. Me, my FACE on I could not be more happy in that moment. Something that I never dreamed could be possible was actually my reality. I had attempted to get signed by an agency, but by modeling agency standards, I was too short and it wasn’t always in my favor that I’m Asian. It really is true what they say, “anything is possible”. I simply felt that I was lucky. I was seen by the right people at the right time, but had I not started my blog, maybe no one would have given me this opportunity. You just never know.

I still feel so grateful for this opportunity. The best moment was not only seeing the final photos but also sharing it with the people I love most. My heart soared at the love that poured in. It was everything that I could have hoped for and more.

Continue to scroll down for screenshots of some of the final shots. Full credits are listed down below as well.


Casting and Styling by: Hobbes Ginsberg and MJ Kang

Photography by: Victoria Innocenzi

Long time, No Sea.

Long time, No Sea.

Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress