Photo by Ally Gillam

Photo by Ally Gillam

Hello there,

Redondo Beach Native. Photo Hoarder. These are my stories about fashion, beauty, and travel. Feel free to explore, like, and share. ❤️

OOTD: Jean...'Merica

Jeans are what make the girl...See what I did there? (Like genes lol)

I've had these Free People jeans for over a year now and I rarely wear them. Even during the few times I wore them, they never really hugged me in all the right places, so I decided to distress them a little bit more to give them a more worn-in feel/look. My tools included the basics: sandpaper, scissors, an exacto knife, bleach, and a pad of paper to use as a cushion. 

The basics to distressing jeans are all over the internet. I simply followed some basic instructions online and just went for it. Since they were already distressed and bleached, all I had to do was exaggerate the existing holes. I mainly cut open the holes on the knees which actually made them fit better overall. 

The cool thing about distressed jeans is that they come in all shapes, sizes, and prices. The even better thing is that you can make them all yourself! Distressed jeans, better yet holly jeans are so in this season. The more holly the better. So grab a pair of scissors and start snipping!

For my top, I just wore a scarf folded in half into a bandana shape. It's a really cute and simple way to wear scarves as halter tops. Be aware of potential side boob though and windy days when doing this trick though ;) 


OOTD: Dazed