With the Zedd, The Weekend, and Kygo blasting through the car's speakers, we drove through Dockweiler Beach and into the Pacific Palisades. It was an exceptionally sunny day; almost as if somehow The Getty Villa knew we were coming to visit. I had visited The Getty Center many times, but I had somehow overlooked The Getty Villa. Of course, I has seen picture of it; mainly, in professionally photographed images with professionally trained models. But I wanted to see it for myself.
Upon reserving tickets and finding parking, everything seemed to go as planned. The main building for the museum was pristinely kept. Overall, the entire grounds of The Getty Villa was pristine, as if the keepers of the grounds thought of the museum as a holly temple. As we walked outside and though the Outer Perisyle halls, I felt as if we had transported through time and we were living and breathing as if we were in Rome of the first century A.D. Our only wrinkle in time were our iPhones. To our disappointment, the fountains were off in order to conserve water. The overall feel of the museum didn't quite have the same effect I anticipated it to have since the element of water was missing. It made me realize that the drought really does have serious implications even if we do not feel the consequences in our daily lives
As we explored the museum further, it was plain to see that the Romans seemed to be obsessed with the human nude. Nearly every sculpture, mosaic, and painting that included people portrayed them as naked or nearly naked. There is something truly aesthetic about the human body. It is an interesting reflection of the Roman people and their culture that shows how they value the more raw and ideal aspects of the human body rather than the lavish clothing used to cover up bodies in other cultures. Throughout the museum they were bowls, dishes of all shapes, rings, and other types of decorative accessories scattered in different showcases. To the simple eye, these objects may not seem impressive, but when you consider the fact that nearly everything was hand made with no electric tools or modern manufacturing, then it's easier to be impressed.
We only spent a couple hours at the museum itself, but before we left, we stopped off at the kid's room. Even if your no where near the ages of 4-12, I highly recommend going to the kid's room and embracing your inner curiosity. There were oversized vases to draw on, a shadow stage room to showed your sellout on a large screen, and paper vases to color. Sure the actual art of the museum is impressive, but there' nothing wrong with a little silliness and hands-on creativity.
After wandering through gardens and making wishes in mosaic wells, we set out to find a spot on the Malibu beach. As we drove down the coast, we were able to snag a spot along the road where small groups of people scattered along the shore. We laid out a large blanket for home base and I excitedly threw off my coverup (the one I made into a turban), and ran into the water. At first, a chill ran though my toes, but as I waded in further the water began to feel less chilly. For a Californian, Coco really isn't much of a beach person. Nevertheless, she splashed in the water for a bit before returning to the blanket to tan.
Words could not simply describe the passion I have for the beach. There's a connection that I cannot explain that draws me into the waves. There is just something extremely calming and intriguing about the beach. It saddens my heart that those two boys were never found at sea. I could go into this whole long metaphor about nature and the push and pull of life, but I'll spare you the lecture.
On the drive home, we blasted old Radio Disney songs and shamelessly sang along. The beauty of having long lasting friendship is seeing how far you both have come. Back when Coco used to have a burning love for Nick Jones and I used to glorify The Veronicas. Maybe our idols and crushes change. Maybe our hair color and go-to brands change too, but our bond will never fail. Everyone deserves to have those special friends that are resilient and reliable in every way. Everyone deserves a partner in crime and a second banana to their sunday. Don;t forget to tell your best bud that they're awesome in every way, and go have an adventure of your own.
Leave your comments down bellow and suggest another place for us to visit!
xx Ella-Kol