Photo by Ally Gillam

Photo by Ally Gillam

Hello there,

Redondo Beach Native. Photo Hoarder. These are my stories about fashion, beauty, and travel. Feel free to explore, like, and share. ❤️

Undone, a photo diary

As signs of dusk seep through the wispy branches of the eucalyptus trees lining my street, I try to soak in the moment. The simple sight of the eucalyptus tress swaying in the wind as if the world is moving in slow motion seems so surreal. There's something about nature and everything it stands for. I take it for granted. 

In my backyard, the hummingbirds come to play and the monarch butterflies fight over the milkweed. As my dog frolics in the weeds, I gaze up to the blue sky and see nothing but traces of jet planes and telephone wires. I don't get outside often enough anymore.

The flowers on my dresser are wilted, but instead of tossing them aside, I salvaged the perky ones to be admired for later.  For the wilted daisy-like flowers, I bobby-pinned them into my hair to feel like a modern woodland nymph. It seems funny to play pretend now. There's something about black and white, light and dark, that feels so honest. Minimalist attire. Minimal obligations and expectations. This is when I feel most at ease. 

Every day, we are faced the challenge of comparing ourselves to others and seeing everything that we don't have. It's exhausting. Every so often, I just want to escape it all...I just want to forget it all. The world is a noisy place, and more often than not, its easy to get caught up in all the white noise. 

I never stopped to smell the roses. Instead, I stopped to pick a few despite the thorns and continued along my merry way...

xx Ella-Kol 


Confetti 💣, a photo diary

Smokey Aura, a photo diary